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Building Things

I have been doing some renovations to a house in which the original structure is over 100 years old. I know some of the history of the house, and was aware going in that different owners over the years had added on: building a kitchen, adding a bathroom, expanding the bedrooms, all while keeping the character and integrity of an old mountain cabin. What I was not prepared for, as we have opened up walls and renovated bathrooms, was just how many different times and different families had changed the house. Every wall removed is a glimpse into the past. Yesterday, we discovered a painted posts embedded in a wall that indicated what I thought was an internal part of...

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TBJ's Take on Podcasts

The end of January is a good time to check in on the progress you are making on your resolutions. Every year, Eddie and I, like a lot of you folks, make them and then either hold our hands up in triumph as we succeed fabulously or quietly try to forget we made the darn things in the first place if we fall by the wayside. Our “eat more jerky” resolution is still going strong, that is an easy one. But one other resolution is also gaining momentum everyday, thanks to suggestions from two of our younger brothers. We are working out our minds with help from a little technology. We may be late to the party, but our brother...

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TBJ's 5 Favorite Super Bowl Snacks

It’s that time of year again! Time to watch two great NFL teams face off in the biggest sporting event of the year. My favorite part about Super Bowl Sunday? The food. As this day approaches, it’s time to start thinking about what snacks to serve to your friends and family, and if you’re anything like me, calories don’t count on Super Bowl Sunday. I want all the cheesy goodness that the internet has to offer. To help you choose some game time snacks, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite Super Bowl Recipes. They’re easy to make and some of them could even be modified to include some TBJ action. (We recommend adding Famously Hot when possible.) So...

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“If you have ever been a child, raised a child, lost a child or met a child — or any of the above with respect to a mother — this movie will wreck you”. -A.O. Scott The NY Times movie review of Lion I have always been a huge fan of movies with any of the following: Nicole Kidman, Dev Patel, resourceful kids, and journeys both literal and allegorical. So going to see Lion (which happens to include all of those elements) on a rainy Saturday afternoon was a no-brainer for me. Throw in a wonderfully acted and edited story about adoption and reunification, and who we grow up to be, and this made Lion the perfect movie for...

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